Sunday, October 5, 2008

Daddy & Eli


momw said...

How Eli loves his Daddy, all snuggled up close. Such great pictures. So glad you are finding some time with him. God is so good and makes ways where there seems to be none. Jenny you are a great Mom, our love and prayers for you are unending.

Nichole said...

you two are super parents.. like i knew you would be :)

Lisa said...

Hi Will & Jenny,

I ran across your blog for the first time today. Eli is so precious. Congratulations to both of you!!! You have such a beautiful baby boy. It's obvious by the progression of pictures that God's power is at work in his little body. I look forward to checking back often to see him continuing to grow and develop. Nathan and I look forward to the day that we get to see Will again and meet both Jenny and Eli. Until then, we're keeping you in our prayers and attaching our faith with yours. We love you!

Love, Lisa (& Nathan) Veer

Emily R. said...

Soooo cute how Eli looks up at you while you are holding him!
